Thursday, September 20, 2012

Funsongs update

I'm working on two songs right now.  The first, "This is America (Hi-yahhh!)," is a totally non-partisan celebration of Americana during this contentious election season.  No candidate endorsements or message approvals here!  The second, "Paisley Party," has an infectious groove and a brief description of paisley's history and broad appeal.

I'm not sure when these tunes will be completed, but I'll get them out as soon as possible.  As always, you can hear my collection of released funsongs at

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Review: The Diggity Dudes

Have a kid in your life?  You might want to introduce him or her to Richmond's Diggity Dudes.  The Dudes present an uptempo and addictive mix of kid-friendly tunes that induce frenzy and delight.  With "Hip Music for Hip Kids," the Diggity Dudes sound like a blend of Weird Al, They Might Be Giants, and PBS Kids favorites. Having formed in 2009, the Diggity Dudes are making waves throughout the region and beyond.  In fact, the band's song "My Science Project" was named #3 on the Kids Corner Top 10 Songs of 2011 by WXPN in Philadelphia.  Check them out at

Monday, September 17, 2012

Charity profile: UNC Dance Marathon

Want to dance all night while raising money for a worthy cause? The Tar Heels of the UNC Dance Marathon have been doing this since 1998. Sleep-deprived college students have raised more than $2.4 million for the N.C. Children's Hospital over the course of the organization's existence. Way to go, dancers! I'm pleased to see that the UNCDM has thrived over the years, especially since I performed at the inaugural event with my old band, Weekend Excursion. It's wonderful to see the positive impact that sweat and caffeine can have! For more information, you can visit

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Searching for springtime

It's been a frigid winter in the continental U.S. Here's hoping that you're staying warm. Perhaps a cup of strong coffee has done the trick.

Thursday, July 01, 2010


I'm loving the World Cup! It's too bad the US went home early, but the lads put on a good show.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pirates in Australia

I recently discovered that "Pirates," the opening song of Songs for Quirky, has generated interest in Australia! Although I can't pin down with absolute certainty the root of this craze, I sense that the Somali pirate escapades of late had something to do with it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Have you decided against giving "The Clapper" or a Chia pet this holiday season? Are you finding it difficult to locate the perfect gift for the person who has everything? You might come across something of interest here: Buy a camel, goat, sheep, cow, or some other beast that can improve the lives of impoverished people.

Happy holidays!